Showcased Films

Delight in the cinematic creations from our collaborative team and experience the artistry of Sudbury filmmakers making waves on the global stage.

Enchanted Woods to Urban Rush

Embark on a cinematic odyssey that transcends realms, whisking you from the enchanting depths of Sudbury's secluded woods atop its serene mountaintop located in the heart of its bustling downtown core. This immersive journey unfurls a mesmerizing symphony, seamlessly weaving the poetry of nature with the dynamic rhythms of urban life. From the mystical tranquillity of its secluded woods to the vivacious energy of the cityscape, be prepared for a spellbinding experience where motion and adrenaline coalesce in a perfect harmonious cinematic adventure.

Urban Rush
  • DURATION: [6:08]

  • Swift, dynamic, and pulsating with energy, this cut distills the essence of this story into a cinematic adrenaline rush with an original music score. Brace yourself for a thrilling narrative ride that leaves a lasting impact in a fraction of the time.

The realms of this short film have been meticulously crafted in two distinct cuts, each tailored to weave its cinematic magic seamlessly into the tapestry of diverse International Film Festivals worldwide. This creative editing endeavour was inspired by adapting to the unique time constraints and preferences of these prestigious Film Festival events, ensuring that a global audience could experience the essence of this narrative in its most captivating forms.

Enchanted Woods to Urban Rush
  • DURATION: [10:37]

  • Immerse yourself in the heart of this narrative with this medium cut. A carefully curated blend of emotions and storytelling nuances, accompanied by a bespoke soundtrack, allows for a deeper connection with the character and his unfolding journey.